4 Ways to Learn How to LOVE Your Financial Processes

Money is scary, even to business people. It is consistently listed as a topic that people hate to talk about, even more than death, religion, or politics! But putting your head in the sand and ignoring the "money talk" is no way to run a business. And in fact, that way of handling it is guaranteed to get you and your company into hot water. So here are my 4 best tips to help you learn to LOVE your financial processes. REALLY!

1. Think About the Future

I want you to close your eyes (no, REALLY) and think about the future of your business. It's thriving and you are having a BLAST! Things are running like clockwork and there is little stress. Okay open your eyes. That future cannot happen without a solid financial foundation. To get THERE, you have to focus HERE on your financials. Maybe they aren't exactly where you want them to be. Maybe your profit margin is not making you happy right now. But by facing those challenges and meeting them head on, you can have that future that you dream about. Being disciplined today will definitely pay off. So think about your financials as a gate that you have to step through in order to get to the GOOD STUFF!

2. Reduce Your Stress

Running a business IS stressful. There are so many obstacles and things we did not see coming. UGH. But you can definitely reduce your stress levels by taking care of the things that YOU control. Worrying about money and that rollercoaster ride that we all face is probably THE most stressful thing. Getting a handle on your financials and CONTROLLING them, instead of letting them control you, is definitely a stress reducer. Even if you aren't exactly where you'd like to be with your yearly net income, knowing what is coming and and going out, and understanding all of your reports and cash flow, will make you feel more in control. It is so much easier when you know that you have a solid plan for getting to your financial goals. And THAT is really and truly a stress reliever!

3. Have a Plan

There have been a lot of studies and books produced that talk about manifesting what you want by writing it down. I really believe that works for your goals. So today, right now, write down your financial goals. Dream BIG. Put big big goals on your sheet. And then think about WHAT will make those goals a reality. Start putting tasks and steps with each one, and I guarantee that getting your reports in place, knowing what your P&L says, and meeting those financial benchmarks will have to be on your task list. Make a solid plan right now to start taking those financial steps. But keep the goals in mind. Each thing you do today to get your financial house in order is going to lead you right to those BIG goals!

4. Bring in the Professionals

I would not ever try to keep all of my books or set up my own tax reports. NOPE. Not my skill set. We all need to bring in the professionals to help guide us through our business finances! You have so much to do as a business owner, that this is one thing you should NOT be doing yourself. Hire a bookkeeper. Get a tax accountant. And then meet with them regularly and ask for weekly and monthly reports. It's also a HUGE help to have someone else involved and one your side - someone who wants you to reach those goals, too!

To help you get to where you want to be in your business, download my FREE Quarterly Goals Worksheet! It will help you define and refine your financial goals so you can meet - and EXCEED - them this year!



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