prioritize your to do list

3 Ways to Boost Your Energy at Work

It is so common to have an energy slump in the middle of the day that snack food and beverage companies use the idea to sell their products. And I can tell you that I definitely have low-energy times - ok, sometimes I even have low-energy DAYS! But in our biz, we need to keep cranking for as many hours as we can. So how in the world can we boost our energy without one of those drinks that "gives you wings"??? I have 3 tips that definitely work for me!

1. Make a Move

Too often interior designers are sitting all day. We're looking for the perfect product online, we're making calls to prospective clients, and we're checking our ENDLESS emails. Every medical professional tells us to get up and move around, but we're the worst for not listening to that advice, right? So set a reminder every hour or so to just get up from your computer and walk through the office. Go for a long walk at lunch! Or if you are like me and MUST bring your dogs to work...take them out for a walk! Just be sure to move - it will give you more energy throughout the day. It will also definitely help to take your eyes off of the screen, too!

2. Use a Music Motivator

I have a friend who loves to blast swing music when she's trying to power through a project. It keeps her mood upbeat and that gives her the motivation to get a lot done. No, I am not the swing person, but I am a classical music person. Music is scientifically proven to lift your spirits and motivate you, so start a Spotify playlist for all of your favorite upbeat tunes and cue it up when that late afternoon slump hits!

3. Stop and Reorganize 

Sometimes we hit that energy slump when we're overwhelmed. If you have a LOT on your to do list, you might feel like you're drowning! Time to come up for some air. Stop what you're doing and take 10 minutes to reorganize your lists. What is REALLY a priority for you to get done today? What can wait for another day? Break that list down into smaller "bites" that aren't as overwhelming and give yourself the motivation to keep going!

To help you with that, I have a great FREE gift for you! Click Here to Download Prioritize Your To Do List and get your mojo back during that midday slump! 


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