3 Ways to Stand Out from Your Competition

Having a competitive advantage is key, no matter what size market you work in! Standing apart from the crowd is the perfect way to entice new clients, and to give you staying power with former and current clients. So how do you stand out? It's more than just a funky logo or a three-word tag line. Those are great, but there are 3 key things that are BETTER! Read on to find out what they are...

1. The BEST Customer Service

This one may seem like a no-brainer, but too many companies THINK they're doing a better job than they are when it comes to client relations. You need to go above and BEYOND with your clients. That means being on time, on budget, and up front. It means giving them total honesty and your full attention. You also need to communicate with them regularly and make them feel confident that you have every single thing under control. So, when things go wrong, you need to be the person who is transparent with them, shows them how you're going to fix the situation, and do what you say you will. Yes, gifts and notes are fantastic, but really giving your client the best experience possible is the key. And then you have to ask for referrals - that grassroots marketing is still #1 for designers.

2. Fantastic Visual Branding

There is nothing - absolutely nothing - that sells your business better than OUTSTANDING photos of your projects. Whenever anyone asks me where they should invest, I always say professional photography should be at the very top of the list. Those photos help you entice potential clients, grab an editor's attention, show how your design is different, and they sell your services. They are the SIZZLE for your steak (or veggie burger!) Studies show that people read about 5 words of all that copy you've agonized over on your website (YIKES). But they will spend a LOT of time on your portfolio if your photos are aspirational and stunning. Then you also need to have a modern and clean website that showcases those gorgeous photos, spells out your services, and is easy to navigate. That website is your key sales tool! 

3. Great Marketing Materials

Speaking of marketing and selling your business, what marketing materials do you have besides your website. Yes, social media should be part of that. But printed materials are important, too! You want to have those "leave behinds" for contractors, architects, and real estate agents, so they can remember you and also recommend you. And you want to have things to give potential clients after your initial meeting. When they have something physical (that showcases those lovely photos!), it keeps you and your business top-of-mind. It gives them the security that they're making the right decision, and it builds trust because those materials spell out your process and services!

Customer service is SO important that I've created an amazing (and FREE!) download for you! Just click here to get my Guide for How to Keep and Retain Clients!




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