5 Tips for Wrapping Up a Project

When an interior design project can take months (or years!!) to complete, it's easy to want to rush through the final phases. If it's been a pain of a project with lots of challenges, we all can be guilty of just trying to wrap it up. But...finishing STRONG is the key to staying in business and being a sought-after designer. We've got to be on top of our game and in it to WIN it at the end of the project, even more than we are when we're wooing that client in the first place!! I know how exhausting it can be and how we want to complete our checklist and move on. So here are 5 tips for wrapping that project in a smart and professional way!

1. Don’t Lose the Budget

There comes a time near the end of the project that most interior designers dread. It's when the budget is quickly drying up, but the accessories or art haven't been purchased yet! And that means you're either going to have to convince your clients to add a lot more to the budget, or you're going to have to sacrifice your overall design. Don't let that happen to you!! It's so much smarter to ensure that ALLLL of the elements you need are budgeted from the start and that you purchase them as soon as you can. Otherwise, that budget can disappear as hidden costs from the build team sneak in. Stay true to your overall design plan!

2. Stay Focused

By the time we've worked on a project, it can become almost monotonous to us. I've heard designers say that they are bored and ready to move on when they near the end. YIKES! I know it's hard to stay focused and energized, but you need to find that extra energy you need to kick things into high gear! Just as you're winding down, your clients are getting SUPER excited and hyped UP, so you need to keep things upbeat for them - and for your future business. Don't get distracted by the NEXT project before you've wrapped the current one!

3. Prioritize the Punch List

Those details that aren't addressed or that are hanging out there for months can drive your clients CRAZY! Once you've done a walkthrough and you have your punch list ready, get to work! Someone on your team needs to push WHOEVER is responsible for those last-minute items, even if it's technically someone on the build team and not on yours. The clients are just going to remember that things aren't getting done, not WHO is supposed to do them. Wrap up every single detail!

4. Schedule Photography

Your contract says you'll photograph the project, right?! And you've reminded your clients about that at least once to this point, RIGHT?! Now it's time to set that date ASAP. And this is when you can run into trouble with your clients. Maybe they're tired of not being in their home so they don't want to have to leave again. Or maybe they have changed their minds because of privacy issues. Stay STRONG - this is your livelihood we're talking about. Your business depends on those photos, so get a date (or two!) on the calendar!

5. Get Paid!

Installation day is heading your way, so have you been paid?? I know that seems like a silly question, but EVERY designer I know has let bills and invoices slide. You do NOT want to install without having been paid most - or ALL - of your fees and expenses!! I do know some designers will allow clients to pay 5% of 10% of the total bill after installation to ensure the clients are completely happy and that's ok. But you should have the bulk of what's owed to you BEFORE you give them a gorgeously installed home. Don't get caught in that trap! It's hard to chase someone down for payment after you've already given them the goods.

It's hard to stay on top of everything, especially as you're ending one project and taking on another one (or more). The best way I've found to do that is by using my Design Project Blueprint! It gives you peace of mind with buttoned-up processes and systems, and saves you stress and frustration. Everything is organized and easy to use with a central hub. Click here to learn more!

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