6 Ways to Take Customer Service to the Next Level

In this world of online and real-world competition, there's only one way to stay ahead of the pack. That's providing stellar customer service, every time to EVERY client! But that isn't always the easiest thing to do, so I have 6 tips that will help you improve your customer service game and make client care your signature skill!

1. Make an Impression

The first impression that you make on someone lasts for a LONG time. So at any first meeting with a client, you want to look your best AND make them remember you. How? Do your homework. If they have a dog, show up with a small care package of treats and toys. If they have children, bring a package of cuddly toys or gift cards to stores that teens love. If they don't have either one, bring them something like a candle. It doesn't have to cost a lot, just think of ways to show them that you know how to make an amazing impressions.

2. Keep Things Positive

Easier said than done when you have a million things on your plate, 5 people calling you at once, and 4 fires to put out RIGHT NOW. But, the client doesn't need (or want) to know what's going on behind the scenes. All they know is that they are investing a LOT of money with you, and they want to feel confident that you've got it under control. A positive attitude can calm troubled waters with a client. It can create trust. And being positive is also contagious! I truly believe it!! If you're always upbeat, most people will feel upbeat, too. No, it doesn't solve everything. But staying calm and positive will keep things from spinning into an emotional whirlwind! Your clients will remember that positivity, and they'll thank you for it.

3. Be Responsive

When you have a large client roster, this can be tough. But clients want to be heard. And again, they don't care about your other clients. Every client wants to feel like THEY are the most important one. Period. So you need to set rules for yourself and your company for how quickly you'll answer an email, a phone call, or a text. It doesn't always have to be YOU, but someone on your team needs to get back to the client as quickly as possible. One caveat - remember your boundaries. You do NOT have to answer on weekends and late into the night. Just answer as quickly as you can.

4. Follow Up and Follow Through

This is a little different than being responsive. Following up on a request or question means doing the homework, or remembering to check on that alternative they asked about. It isn't just saying "I got your email." It's also responding with: "I looked up that other paint color you asked about and it is definitely more yellow." Clients love it when you show that you're willing to hear them and go the extra mile to find out whatever it is they need to know. We've all dropped the ball on this one at one point or another, so have a process in place that helps you keep track of requests and questions!

5. Surprise and Delight

Make surprise part of your design process. What do I mean by that? Plan times throughout the project when you can provide a little surprise for your client. Maybe you purchase a small piece of art that's perfect for their powder bath. Or you could give them a gift card to a fabulous restaurant when their kitchen renovation is ramping up. If the project has had some stressful moments, send them a certificate to a spa. BUT - this shouldn't end when the project ends. You want to continue to keep yourself top of mind with former clients. After all, word-of-mouth is still the #1 way you'll get clients, so you want those previous customers to tell everyone how great you are. For example, send a summer fun package in a tote with their initials. You can include a beach towel, pail and shovel, insulated cups and other fun things. These more special packages should go to your biggest clients - and the ones who have the most influence with a wide network!

6. Make Event-Based Connections 

I remember that I once sent a client a bottle of her favorite wine on her wedding anniversary and she was so surprised. She wrote in a thank you note: "How in the world did you remember that?!" This is a very easy thing to do that will consistently charm your clients. At the beginning of a project, I ask my clients to fill out a VERY detailed questionnaire. And in there I ask for birthdays for EVERY family member, for special anniversary dates, for names of dogs and cats, and for any other info I can think of that will help me show them I care for YEARS to come. And during the project, I will add to the file anything else I learn that will help me surprise them. I once heard that a particular day was their beloved dog's Gotcha Day (the day the family adopted their pet). So I wrote that down and helped them celebrate it the following year. These are great ways to show thoughtfulness and caring to your best clients - and for years after you complete the project. It's the way that I've kept LONG-TIME clients for decades!!

All of these tips require a bit of work, and of tracking important processes and information. How do I keep up with it all?? I use my Design Project Blueprint that systematizes my business and helps me stay on top of EVERY detail. Just click here to learn more about this powerful tool! 


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