Getting Back in the Driver's Seat

Did you know that 43% of people stop working on their resolutions by the end of January?! It's true!! So have you already stopped working toward the goals you set for your business? If you have, you are definitely not alone. We tend to let other things get in the way, including just the day-to-day tasks and minutiae of running our business AND our projects! If you've already taken a detour on your company's path to success, let's get you back in the driver's seat!! I have some great tips below AND - if you read ALLLLL the way to the end - I have another amazing idea for you. So don't miss that! 

1. Stop

You definitely read that correctly. What do you do when you're headed in the wrong direction or you're on the wrong road?! Yes, you STOP. When you're trying to get things back on track in your business, you first need to reevaluate where you and where you're going. What do you want your destination to be? What's the fastest way to get there? Replot your path so you CAN achieve those BIG goals this year.

2. Check Engine Light

Do you have what it takes to make the journey? It's time to inspect your business from top to bottom. You want to retool anything that isn't working. That includes putting the right systems in place to keep things running smoothly. You also need the right team, a good financial plan, smart marketing, and a full client pipeline. Evaluate every aspect of your company and highlight the weak points. What do you need to do to give those pieces a tune up??

3. Shift into Gear

Motivation is HARD. Especially if you've experienced the major burnout that most designers have in the last year or two. This business can be a really tough one. So what do you need to get yourself back into the right frame of mind? Do you need a creative break, a time to breathe and remind yourself of what parts of the business you LOVE? Kick that mojo into high gear! It will really help you get excited again about the world of design. 

4. Hit the Highway

Now it's time to give it the GAS!! Set a course to hitting those goals by crafting the right steps to help you get there. And stay focused on the ultimate goal! That discipline and strategy will help you drive hard to the goals you've set. No one said that you can't restart the car if you get off track. The important part is to just get back to where you need to be and keep moving!!

NOW - I have something really fun to tell you about that will help you put yourself very firmly into the driver's seat of your business!! On Feb. 15 at 12pm eastern, I'm offering a FREE masterclass called 3 Insider Secrets to Running a Profitable & System-Driven Business! This fun and fast-paced event will show you how to supercharge your design business processes, boost teamwork, and help your business thrive (& STOP those balls being dropped!). 

I'll also tell you about an amazing Operations Hub and I'll offer some fab bonuses and extras, so you REALLY don't want to miss this!! Just click here to register - I look forward to seeing you SOON!


Check out more design business tips and tricks

5 Ways to Make More Money by Being More Organized

Getting Back on Track When the Wheels Fall Off

Organizing Your Design Projects for More Profits

Ready to Get Some Processes in Place - and Get Back Time to Work on Your Business?

Organize and automate your interior design business by implementing a few business processes. Each process helps designers show up prepared and professional at every step.

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