
Tile Grout Dos!

Oh! Selecting grout can be so hard! Especially if you and your client have invested so much time- and money!- installing that gorgeous tile in the bathroom. So how can we be sure to select the best grout so that it lasts- and your gorgeous tile stays that way?

Blending In

When to Blend:

• When you want your tile be the star of the show! Especially with marble and onyx.

• Want a clean, monochromatic look.

• Don’t want to show a tile installation pattern.

• Create a cohesive look with the same tile but different shapes.

Contrasting Grout

When to Contrast:

• When you want to highlight a pattern. Looks great with chevron, brick pattern or scalloped pattern.

• When you don’t want to look at dirty grout! Select a gray grout to use with white tile.

• A modern approach to classic designs.

Types of Grout

• Non- (or un-) sanded grout is made for grout lines smaller than 1/8” wide.

• Sanded grout is used to fill gaps larger than 1/8”. Caution: the sand can scratch certain tiles, like glass and marble. Sanded grout won’t scratch porcelain, however.

• Epoxy grout works on all tile. Epoxy is waterproof and stain resistant.


• Un-sanded grouts tend to cost a bit more than sanded grout.

• Epoxy costs the most. Don’t let your installer select a grout based on price. Be sure to ask about the type of grout so that you get the best option for your specific project!

👉ROI TIP: Laticrete’s SpectraLock is my favorite epoxy grout!

How Do I Know if I Am Using the Right Grout?

So, how do you know the “right” color and type of grout to use?

• Have the installer grout some tile that has been “installed” on wood and try a few types of grout in there. Be sure to use a large sample of tile.

• Don’t forget to let the grout dry, or cure! The color always changes- even with white- when it dries. Like paint, it will also change color in different light.

• Some grouts have sample “sticks” of cured grout, but I only use this as an approximate guide because the samples change over time.


Don’t forget about sealing grout!

• Lighter grout and darker grouts should always be sealed. BUT, I always seal everything because once grout looks bad, it never really perks up to that fresh, installed brightness again!

👉ROI TIP: I recommend Stain-Proof®, which has several types that are made to last!

 If you want to download the FREE guide to selecting grout, grab the link HERE!




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