How to End the Year on a High Note!
There is so much excitement this time of year - but if you're a business owner, there's a LOT of stress, too! You're trying to tie up your projects, get your invoices paid, and get paid yourself! It's a whirlwind and it can make you crazy. So how do you end the year on a high note?! Here's a peek into how I do it!
Take Time to Reflect
First, you do need to take some time to review how things went in 2019. I promise...It's not a waste of time! Remember, this is a quiet time of year for your clients who are with friends and family for the holiday, so use the time wisely!
Sit down without distractions and look at all of your process, systems, software, employees - absolutely everything. Where could you do better? What needs to be upgraded - like software or computer equipment? How was your marketing? What really worked? How would you like to do things differently in 2020? Don't leave a single stone unturned or any item unexamined. This is one of those rare times when everyone is distracted, so use it to your advantage. It's the perfect time for "out with the old, in with the new!"
This is a celebratory time of year, so I want you to throw yourself a party! It can be an actual party, or just one for you and a glass of bubbly. I'm an introvert...so you probably won't see me dancing at Studio 54. Haha. Make a list of every single accomplishment or achievement you had in 2019, and pat yourself on the back! We just never take enough time to slow down and say, "That went really well!" And we should!! Celebrate EVERYTHING - maybe it's that you finished a project ahead of schedule. Maybe you landed a BIG client that you've been chasing. You may have had some great press, or maybe you made a BIG profit (that's the one we all want!)! But whatever achievements you had, large AND small, raise a glass to yourself. You really really deserve it!!
Set Goals for 2020
You can call them goals, resolutions, intentions, or anything else, but they're all really about the same thing. You need to have benchmarks to strive for next year in your business. You want to have great ideas that will challenge you! You don't want a boring repeat year, do you? And... it's even better if you have great goals that EXCITE you - that light a creative fire in you! I know that if I start the year off with a clean sheet of paper in my planner and a fresh attitude, I definitely feel like I can accomplish anything at all! And so can YOU!
To help you set those goals, download my FREE Goal Setting Worksheet. Let's end 2019 a huge high note, and start 2020 in the best way possible!!