Setting Goals for a New Year
This is the perfect time of year to look back at what you've accomplished and to look forward to where you want your business to go in 2021. Things slow down around the holidays since our clients want to focus on their families, so we actually have more time to review and reflect. I have great tips to help you do that - and if you read all the way to the end, I have a gift for you, too! So let's get started!
Review Past Goals
One of the best things you can do is take a look at your year in review. Yes, 2020 was not normal and it was no fun in many cases. BUT, there had to have been some shiny bright spots✨ So... what were yours? Be sure to celebrate ALL of your successes! I admit, I am really bad about this because I am always thinking about what needs to be done next. But, when I look at my list of goals or intentions from last New Year, I realize how much I did accomplish. What about you? How have you done during this crazy year? Were there any that you want to continue into 2021? Is there a goal that you want to change up and retry next year? Make a list of everything that might be something to add to a new goal list.
Brain Dump
The best way to start thinking about new goals is to just brain dump. Sit down with a fabulous notebook (it's better for inspiration) and write everything that comes to mind. What's been great about your business? What's been not-so-great? What would you love to dump? What products do you wish could offer clients? Dream BIG!! Don't let there be any limitations on your thinking, just pour it all out on the pages. And give this process a few days. Come back to it and keep writing. No judgment, no qualifiers, just write!
What's on the Horizon?
Once you've written your stream-of-consciousness pages, start reading. Look at business publications, trend reports, and articles on futuristic ideas. Why?? Because those will tell you where the next home trends are starting. You want to look carefully at anything that might impact the home industry and your business. That will help you clarify and qualify your goal list. For example, you may set a goal to get more hospitality business based on the fact that predictions are saying that the hotel business is going to start trending BIG by the end of 2021.
Start a New Goal List
Once you've done your brainstorming and research, start sifting through what you wrote. Look for themes (there are always common threads) and ideas that really hit home for you. Pull out the 5-10 best ideas and start firming them up as goals. And don't forget to add in any goals that you want to carry over from 2020. As you sift through your scaled-down list, begin to think about action items. These would be the steps and tactics that will help you get to those goals.
Order Up
At this point, you should have 5 or so really good intentions for 2021 - goals that mean a lot to you and hit the core of what you want to do with your business! Start putting them in some sort of order. I like to think about short-term goals and long-term goals. And there are intentions that are a top priority while others are in the "would be good but aren't crucial" category. Sort through your list and prioritize how and when you want to accomplish each one.
And now you have a goal list for 2021! You're ready for HUGE success and new ideas in a new year! To help you prepare for that fresh new start, I'm giving away something BIG for the holidays. It's my 2021 ROI Interior Design Business Planner! It will help you work through your business, cleaning up what isn't working, and making plans for getting your systems and processes in place for a new year. Just click here to download it for FREE!