Setting Your 2025 Intentions

One thing that's really important as business owners is to look ahead and project what you want to accomplish. Most corporations start this process in the fall, setting goals and budgets for the next year. It's actually a great time to do that because you aren't in the middle of the holidays and you already have a good idea of how the current year is going to end for your company. So set aside some time NOW to really think about what 2025 could bring for you and your business! Here are my top tips for setting your intentions for success!

Review First

Take a look at your business so far in 2024 - write down the successes and where you could have done things differently. Are there any goals you wanted to hit but won't quite make? What were the AMAZING achievements you had?! This will help you decide on your path for 2025. You'll see where you may need to focus to shore up your company's strengths and any weaknesses that need to be addressed, too! 

Intentions, THEN Goals

I look at intentions and goals differently. Intentions are what you want your overall theme to be for 2025. They are the clear focus for your new year. Goals will help you hit that intention! So what is YOUR intention for the new year? It could be that you want to have it be your most profitable year ever! Or that you want to focus more on client acquisition. Or maybe you want to branch out into other services. And yes, you can have more than one intention, but I would say not more than two! And remember, if you just want to maintain where your business is now and maybe just make some tweaks, that's absolutely OK! 

Set Your Goals

Now that you have your overall intention set for 2025, map out your goals to help you get there. If you want to be more profitable, you could set goals that will help you get more income, keep an eye on your expenses, AND set up regular meetings with your financial people! If your goal is a better work/life balance for the upcoming year, your goals could be to delegate more, to find more contract help, to get systems in place, and to focus on the best ROI for your services! These goals should be specific and straightforward. They should be a stretch, but NOT a struggle. 

Plan Regular Reviews

Remember that you'll want to review your progress, so go ahead and set time in your 2025 calendar to sit down and look at how things are going. You KNOW things are going to change - that's just the nature of business! So you may change your goals or add new ones as the year goes by. These review sessions will help you stay on track, so set those times in your calendar TODAY.

And to ALSO help you stay on track, download my FREE Guide to Annual Goal Setting! It will give you a record of what you want to achieve and how you'll get there.

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