The Theater of the 'Big Reveal' for Your Clients

There is a bit of showmanship in being an interior designer. We have to have the ability to ensure our clients see the vision of their beautiful home. And we need to have the talent to unveil a stunning backdrop for their lives with their completed interiors. There are a couple of moments in the design process that are critical for that success. One is the design presentation, and the other is the "big reveal," when clients see their home for the first time. So how do you really WOW your clients with that reveal? I have 4 ideas that will add a bit of theater to the process!

1. Install All at Once

It is VERY tempting to give in to a client's excitement and install a few things to keep them happy. Or to let them have ONE room that's complete. But there are two problems with that. First, you aren't letting them see a cohesive and COMPLETE design vision, the one that they fell in love with. And second, you are taking away the gasp-worthy BIG reveal! That's part of the fun! It's so much better to let the excitement build and let them see the finished home in all its glory. Take that away, and you're taking away a VERY important part of the experience!

2. Set the Stage Perfectly

Don't select your installation day until you are absolutely certain that everything is in place. Waiting for that ONE chair can be painful, but it's so much better to have everything all together before you set the date. And you want to have all of your tools and details ready to go. That includes rug pads, lightbulbs, touch up paint, picture hooks, cleaning supplies, flowers, and more. EVERY single piece of the set needs to be perfect and in place when the clients come back to their home.

3. Use the Distractor Factor

One of the hardest parts of the installation day can be getting the clients out of their home! But it's so important for them to leave the old house and come back to the AMAZING new dream home you've created for them. Some of the things I've done to get the clients out of the home is pay for a spa day, give them tickets to a local waterpark where they can take their kids, or give them a train ticket for a nearby village for some sightseeing. That also adds to the luxury experience you want your clients to have when they work with you. 

4. Give Them a BIG Show

And then it's time for the reveal - the moment you've ALL been waiting for! This is the time to pull out all the stops. You want to have fresh flowers, a candle burning, lights strategically placed, soft music playing - whatever it takes to give them a full sensory experience. But this is also the time for YOU to shine! You want to point out the details that you created. You want to remind them that you listened by giving them exactly what they wanted. And you want to show them a stunning home that also works for how they want to live! The final touch is always a gift to thank them. I like to show them a full fridge with all of their favorite things, including wine. Some people like to have a gift basket or fabulous flowers. But there should be something thoughtful left for them.

To help you create that magical moment, download my FREE Installation Day Timeline & Checklist! It will help you remember everything you need to give your clients a fabulous show!



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