What To Do When Your Project Gets Off Track

No matter how good our intentions are, every interior designer has had a project go off the rails - and it is NOT pleasant! There's frustration, embarrassment, and a sense of failure every single time. But you CAN get things back on track! Here are my tips for a quick recovery, and how to avoid the pitfalls in the first place!

1. Find the Solution - Quickly

First things first, you need to solve the issue as quickly as you can. If it means you have to pay for something to fix the problem, or you have to eat the costs of a re-do, well then that's what you need to do. The key is not to wring your hands, or look for blame, but to get everything back on track ASAP! You want the client to see you effectively and efficiently respond to what went wrong so they will still trust that you're the right designer for the job. You want to be seen as the super-professional problem solver! Even if it costs you money.

2. Communicate Effectively

It is never ever a good idea to try to hide what went wrong. It's better to face the issue head-on, and that includes talking to the client, the contractor, and anyone else who needs to know what happened. I like to organize my thoughts quickly and then make a call - this is usually not the time for email or text. I always - ALWAYS - present a solution when I walk through where things went wrong. And you must sound confident and unemotional. If you sound flustered or upset, it's going to hard for the client to feel calm about what happened! 

3. Review What Went Wrong

Okay, now that the crisis has been averted (HOPEFULLY) and everything has calmed down, it's time to figure out what went wrong. But remember, this is NOT so you can assign blame. It's to be absolutely sure that history doesn't repeat itself. Find out where the ball was dropped or the deadline missed and find a solution to avoid that problem in the future. And if YOU were the problem, you may need to apologize or acknowledge that the buck definitely stops at your door. If someone else was to blame, don't point fingers. Instead, communicate what you think went wrong and what steps everyone can take to make that a one-time issue.

4. Get Organized

Even if someone else is to blame, we can still take some responsibility for a misstep. One of the best ways to avoid ANY issue in a project is to stay on top of every single item and task. One of the ways to be recognized as a top designer is to be organized. Sounds crazy, but it is TRUE! So get your paperwork in order, keep a binder for you, your contractor, and your client - and be sure you update ALL of them at the same time! Keep your digital files organized, and ensure your team members stay organized, too.

5. Systemize It!

Of course the BEST way to avoid those costly mistakes and errors is to have a system in the first place! Do you have processes for your project? Do you have a good plan with in-depth steps for every single part of a design project? Do you have an effective way to communicate with everyone, and is it written down?? Without repeatable systems to keep you on track, you are MUCH more likely to find yourself in a pickle with your projects and clients! 

Here's where I can help! Download my FREE Guide to Interior Design Project Processes That Work! That's a great place to start getting systems in place to avoid mistakes and issues in the future.



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