where to spend your marketing dollars

Where to Spend Your Marketing Dollars Now

It's one of the most uncertain times we can remember for business. The economic picture is uncertain, lives are disrupted, and your clients are nervous. So you should just stop everything, too, right? WRONG!

Marketing is something you can't stop. Because when the world gets back to a new normal, you need to be ready. But how do you market in this type of climate, and where?! Here are some ideas:

Social Media

You definitely need to continue posting on social media. More people are at home, and more people will definitely be on their phones. So keep those posts coming. But be sure your messaging is on target. Talk about working from home, enjoying time at home with family, and topics like that. Be sure you aren't hitting a tone deaf note. The best part of marketing here is that it doesn't cost a thing.

Email Marketing

Again, this is a no-cost solution that can really pay off. But you also need to be sure you're sending the right message in a time like this. Check in with your clients. Ask them how they're doing. Ask if you can help correct anything in their home to make it even more of a haven for them. You should be taking a helpful and caring tone. 


Informational newsletters are a very low-cost way of marketing. They're also a great way to give tips and hints to your clients about how they can spruce up their homes to make them more comfortable for practicing social distancing. You might be thinking: "OK, Kathleen, but if THEY are doing it, isn't that money out of my pocket?" Let's be honest, your clients probably aren't prioritizing spending money on interior design services right now anyway. But, they'll remember your kindness in sharing your knowledge and helping them fare better at home!

It's definitely a delicate time for marketing - but that doesn't mean you should stop entirely! You need to take care of yourself AND your business while you're also practicing social distancing.

And since this is a rollercoaster ride for all of us in business, I'm giving you this FREE Guide to Handling the Ups and Downs of the Design Business! Use it to map out a new strategy for your company! I'm thinking of you and your family during this time - take care of yourself! 




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