Why a Summer Clean-Up Is a Great Idea

Spring cleaning is so cathartic - you sweep out the winter blues and let the sun shine in! That's great for homes, but I think summer is the best time to clean out and reorganize your office. There's nothing better than a well-organized system, and that holds true for your office, your paperwork, and your digital files. If you haven't had a major clean-up recently, you know you're holding on to things you really don't need anymore! And clutter can have a psychological impact on you, too, slowing you down and making you less efficient and effective. Take a look at why I think you should get your office in order while the summer is in full swing.

Summer Slow Down

Kids are out of school, the weather is awesome, and people are tired of being cooped up. So I'll bet a lot of your clients are taking advantage of summer with a vacation (or three). Most of us are also feeling a little slowdown in business after years of non-stop insanity. So THIS is the time to get things in order, when you have a little breathing room and your phone may not be ringing off the hook.

Be Prepared

Despite a possible recession looming over us, our clients are going to be back in their homes by September and their focus will turn back to how their spaces work (or not) for them. This is the PERFECT time to get your systems and procedures in place. It's a great opportunity for you to start those digital files for your clients that you're always talking about. And it's a great time to clean out old client files to make room for your new clients. Get prepared for when business is booming again. Emerge from summer with a better-run and much more organized company!

Mind Over Matter

There have been a TON of studies that have proven how much physical clutter can impact your mood and your brain. When you have piles around you, when you have fabric samples in an unorganized mess, or when you see those binders you've been meaning to update, it can create stress and anxiety every time you look at them. Who needs that stress?? The physical clutter of your office or studio really needs to be reined in - and you can even hire a summer intern to help you! Get rid of anything in your office space that's making you anxious and stressed. Create a zen space that you LOVE to work in - and one that you won't be embarrassed to invite clients into.

Digital Disorder

Out of sight, out of mind should NOT apply to your digital files! Even though they aren't sitting on your desk, those files still need to be organized and cleaned out. Go through your Dropbox (or other cloud storage) and put things in folders, just as you would if they were printed on paper. Delete anything that's out of date or that isn't needed. Create an easy system that will let you and your team find things quickly and easily. Again, in our business time is money. So you want to be as efficient as you possibly can!

To help you with that, download my FREE Guide to Digital File Organization and get your summer clean-up off to a great start!



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Ready to Get Some Processes in Place - and Get Back Time to Work on Your Business?

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