Why Confidence Is the Key to Your Success

One of the things you learn quickly in the interior design business is that a good part of your job has NOTHING to do with design. You need a good grounding in sales as much as anything else. And the best salespeople all have confidence! Without confidence, it's hard to convince a potential client that you can handle their home project AND their investment! We all need a strong boost of confidence now and then - especially since the pandemic has hit us all right in the emotional and mental health. So here are some tips to topping up your confidence tank!

Accentuate the Positive!

Remind yourself - often - of the successes you've had in design! We're often SO busy flying through our day that we forget to look back at all the amazing work we're doing! The night before a big meeting or presentation, sit down and write out the 5 things you are the MOST proud of. It could be an award, a press feature, or a spectacular design that wowed your client. But put it on paper and remember that YOU are a great designer.

Forget the Little Things

Most designers I know are perfectionists, and that's great if you focus that perfectionism on doing a job well. BUT - that trait can also make you obsess on the small stuff. And that's where we can really hurt our confidence. If you're the type to beat yourself up over things that other people don't even notice, you're letting that mean girl in your head get the best of you! You have to let things go and remember that one small thing doesn't mean you're a terrible designer! 

Get Organized

The way you present yourself to your clients is a big confidence booster. If you look good, you feel good! Of course you want to dress your best, but that isn't want I'm talking about. You want to walk into ANY client meeting ready to go, with everything you need right at your fingertips. There is NOTHING worse than fumbling around and wasting the client's time, right?!?! SOOO embarrassing. So get yourself and your office completely organized so you can be ready to go for any client meeting at any time.

Stop Working

HA! Probably made you scratch your head over that one, right? But you cannot EVER feel your best or present yourself in a confident way if you are burned out and exhausted. Take time to go for a walk during the day, or spend some time reading a great book. Do whatever you can to switch off your brain for at least an hour during the day. It's truly important that you keep your spirits up, so your confidence stays high!

Those meetings with possible clients can really make some designers nervous. So to help you SELL yourself with confidence, download my FREE Guide to Meeting with Potential Clients. It will set you up for SUCCESS!



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5 Ways to Make More Money by Being More Organized

Getting Back on Track When the Wheels Fall Off

Organizing Your Design Projects for More Profits

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