Why You Need Business Systems

So many small businesses are started as a passion project - which is AWESOME! Of course you want to be fully committed and excited about what your company has to offer. But then, a few months into your new business, you realize that it IS a business! And it can start to seem very overwhelming because there is SO MUCH for you to do as the owner and CEO. Or, if you've been in business for a while, things can start to spin out of control as you get busier and you realize things aren't as organized as they SHOULD be. This is why business systems are critical for your success. They keep things running smoothly and help you make the most of your time. Read on for my top 4 reasons that you MUST systemize your business operations - and be sure to read all the way to the end for a special upcoming event!

1. Efficient and Effective

It's so important to have repeatable systems that WORK. You want to understand every single step that you need to take to complete a task or a project. That helps you become more efficient in getting things done. It also helps you to be a better delegator - when you have a system or process spelled out, it's easier to assign to someone else! Those processes also help you stay on task and on deadline, which we all know is a CRITICAL part of your an effective business. 

2. Better Communication

Wouldn't it be great if you knew what every single team member was working on at any given moment?? With a project management system, it's not only possible, it is a FACT. I like to use Asana, but there are other management systems that will help you assign tasks, communicate deadlines, and keep up with what is happening in every single one of your projects. Being THAT organized is truly a key to a well-run company. It also gives your team the information they need to do their jobs better, too! But the communication doesn't stop there. You also need systems for when and how to communicate with clients and customers, with other service providers, and with any outside team members. That's going to keep EVERYTHING running more smoothly.

3. No Dropped Balls

"Dropping the ball" sounds kind of lighthearted and almost fun, right?! But you and I both know that it is PAINFUL. Not only can mistakes be really embarrassing and unprofessional, but often they cost you a LOT of money. Those can include missing deadlines and due dates, not providing the right info to your vendors or subs, forgetting to finish a specific task for a client, and more. With a project management systems and some great processes in place, those "dropped balls" are FAR less frequent. 

4. Saving Time

It's an old saying for a reason - Time IS Money. If you're wasting your time searching for emails or documents, you're wasting money. If you're spending time going over the same tasks with your team, you're spending money. Having everything you need in ONE place, like a hub, is the way to avoid using up all that time. It gives you more opportunities to find new clients, to provide better customer support, and to uplevel your services and offerings. And THOSE things definitely will make more money!


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Getting Back on Track When the Wheels Fall Off

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Ready to Get Some Processes in Place - and Get Back Time to Work on Your Business?

Organize and automate your interior design business by implementing a few business processes. Each process helps designers show up prepared and professional at every step.

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