Interior Design Business
Tips & Tricks
At the end of one year and the beginning of another, organization projects become very popular. This year, I want you to consider organizing your clients! YEP - your clients. Here's why - if you can keep your clients organized, they're going to be happier and YOU are going to be happier. They'll bet...
We're moving quickly into the holiday season, and that always makes me think of gifts for my clients. One of the best gifts that any designer can give their clients may seem too mundane but is SOOO important, and that's the maintenance binder! WHAT?! A binder full of paper?? Yes! You will make your ...
Yeah! You have a new client who has contracted you for a design project. That means new possibilities and opportunities to flex your creative wings in new ways.
Since you never get a second chance to make a first impression, it’s important to start this relationship on the right foot. The way you l...