Interior Design Business
Tips & Tricks
Talking about financials and money can be scary for some people. And thinking about any economic downturns can be frightening to just about every business owner. But that doesn't mean we should put our heads in the sand. Solid financial planning can keep us from riding the rollercoaster of...
There is so much attention focused on the other quarters of a financial year, that we forget how important the end of a 3rd quarter is. This is the point at which you still have time to adjust your path and meet your goals before the year ends. And it isn't too early to plan for the next year,...
Like almost every business out there, we're having to rip up the goals and financial markers we set for ourselves in January and write new ones. We were so naive at the beginning of the year, weren't we?! But seriously, no one saw this pandemic and shutdown coming, and now we need to rethink our...