Interior Design Business


Tips & Tricks
Use Your Holiday Time Wisely with the 3 Rs business coach business ideas business leader business tips business trends entrepreneur female entrepreneur holiday vacation holidays how to be a ceo interior design interior design business interior designer kathleen dipaolo reset for business return on interiors review your business review your year roi system running a small business small business small business owner smart business why rest is important in business women led business women run business

This time of year is always a mad dash to the finish line - wrapping up projects, gifting for clients, and then your own personal holiday plans. WHEW! It's no wonder we collapse in a heap at the end of the year. BUT - then we have that magical quiet time when our client are with their own families a...

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Why Client Support Is More Important Than Ever business coach business ideas business leader business tips business trends client support customer care customer service entrepreneur female entrepreneur how to be a ceo interior design interior design business interior designer kathleen dipaolo return on interiors roi system running a small business small business small business owner smart business taking care of clients women led business women run business

You can call it customer service, client support, or customer care but all of those phrases mean one thing - taking care of your clients! And in the interior design business, that has NEVER been more important than it is today. Why? Because that client attention is what sets YOU apart from your comp...

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The Best Ways to Thank Your Clients business coach business ideas business leader business tips business trends entrepreneur female entrepreneur giving thanks holiday giving holidays how to be a ceo interior design interior design business interior designer kathleen dipaolo return on interiors roi system running a small business saying thank you small business small business owner smart business thank you gifts thanking customers thanking your clients thanksgiving women led business women run business

'Tis the season to give thanks - and that includes showing appreciation for your clients. Really, that's something interior designers should plan for the entire year, not just at the holidays. It's one of the top "rules" of customer care. But how do you thank your clients in a way that's really mean...

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Review Your Client Pipeline for 2024 business coach business ideas business leader business tips business trends client acquisition client pipeline clients entrepreneur female entrepreneur how to be a ceo how to get clients interior design interior design business interior designer kathleen dipaolo return on interiors roi system running a small business small business small business owner smart business women led business women run business

OK - everyone have their seatbelts on? If you listen to economists and forecasters, 2024 is going to be a bit of a bumpy ride. But work that you do NOW can help you avoid some of the bigger potholes. I know you're busy and that we're heading into the craziness of the holidays, but we need to look ah...

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4 Tips for Setting Your 2024 Budget budgeting for your small business business coach business ideas business leader business tips business trends entrepreneur female entrepreneur how to be a ceo how to write a budget interior design interior design business interior designer kathleen dipaolo return on interiors roi system running a small business setting your 2024 budget small business small business budgeting small business owner smart business women led business women run business

We're just a few days away from the fourth quarter of 2023. So with the business year winding down, it's the perfect time to start thinking about 2024. I know it can be tough to start thinking about the future when you are still VERY busy with the present, but doing this work now will set you up for...

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How Do You Define Success? business coach business ideas business leader business success business tips business trends define your own success entrepreneur female entrepreneur how do you define success how to be a ceo interior design interior design business interior designer kathleen dipaolo return on interiors roi system running a small business small business small business owner smart business success women led business women run business your success is personal

What success means is SOOO subjective! It can be financial benchmarks for some people, having a full roster of clients for others, or even just hitting certain personal goals. What success is NOT is some sort of set path that everyone has to follow. In our industry, we seem to forget that! The smart...

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