Interior Design Business
Tips & Tricks
The end of March not only means that it's finally spring, but it's also time to do a little spring cleaning in your business. The beginning of the second quarter is the perfect time to review how the year has been so far for your company, and what you still need to do to meet your goals for 2023. If...
It's crazy that we're already into April and the second quarter of the business year! It may seem too soon to review anything in your business at this point, but I think this is one of the BEST times to stop and look at how your year is going so far. WHY? Because you have 9 months to change course, ...
Here we are in April - it's already the second quarter of your business year! AHH! How did we get here so quickly? And... before you know it, it will be summer. So this is a critical time for small businesses. The first quarter sets the pace for your year, but the second quarter is an important time...