Interior Design Business
Tips & Tricks
It is never pleasant to have to deliver bad news to a client, or to tell them something went wrong, or (and this is tough for so many) to ask them to pay you when they're late. Those are HARD conversations that no one wants to have. But if you're in business, you're going to have to face those ugly ...
One of the crazy parts of the interior design business (and there's a LOT of crazy - ha!) is that we can have such an up-and-down cycle of business. Sometimes it really does feel like feast or famine. But I've found a way off that stressful rollercoaster ride by using my client pipeline! I have a do...
Procurement has always been both a great thing for interior designers... and the bane of our existence. It's even worse now with supply delays, shipping issues, and impossible-to-find products. So, of course, it's again raised the question about whether or not designers should shop with their client...
We're heading into Labor Day week, the last hurrah for summer vacations. It has been a crazy year for interior designers and we need every bit of time off that we can get. But how do you juggle your clients AND your vacation?! How do you keep those clients happy and keep those projects moving, so yo...