Interior Design Business
Tips & Tricks
So many people are predicting that this holiday season is going to be one of the best in years. People want to be with their families, to restart holiday party traditions, and to feel festive for the first time in a long time. And as a designer, you know what THAT means. You're about to field a lot ...
It is never pleasant to have to deliver bad news to a client, or to tell them something went wrong, or (and this is tough for so many) to ask them to pay you when they're late. Those are HARD conversations that no one wants to have. But if you're in business, you're going to have to face those ugly ...
There have been so many misunderstandings caused by poor communication in texts and emails. Too often we think we've written a clear message, only to have the person on the other end read it in a completely different way! It can be embarrassing and sometimes seriously problematic when that happens i...
Why Organize Your Client?
All the decisions that need to be made when you are doing a new build or a huge remodel is overwhelming to most clients. Now, add trying to remember what was decided and by whom- you are talking major stress! To help my clients overpower overwhelm (like the alliteration...