Interior Design Business
Tips & Tricks
Wouldn't you love to magically improve customer service to be more efficient and effective, AND would make our companies more profitable?? Well, guess what? That isn't just craziness. Implementing strong business processes and systems WILL help you make all those dreams come...
The first month of the year is a traditional time to organize your home. So why not make it the traditional time to organize your business? We spend a lot of time as CEOs thinking about projects, creativity, products, and marketing, and we often FORGET about the day-to-day office tasks that can...
"Where did the day go?!" I can't count the number of times I've said that at the end of a long work day! Sometimes it seems like I just started and the clock fast-forwarded to 5pm. If you know that feeling, you also know it can really create a real sense of overwhelm - like you are NEVER...
Spring cleaning is so cathartic - you sweep out the winter blues and let the sun shine in! That's great for homes, but I think summer is the best time to clean out and reorganize your office. There's nothing better than a well-organized system, and that holds true for your office, your paperwork,...
I have something to confess - I love love love to check things off of a list! It makes me feel like I'm making progress and getting things done. I am addicted to checklists, but I also know that they have saved my business several times over. No, really! They keep your business efficient and...
At the end of one year and the beginning of another, organization projects become very popular. This year, I want you to consider organizing your clients! YEP - your clients. Here's why - if you can keep your clients organized, they're going to be happier and YOU are going to be happier. They'll...
I've often said that the number one reason we have trouble selling our services is a lack of confidence. If you aren't confident in your business, you will not get the clients that you want, you won't get the fees that you want, and you REALLY won't hit those goals that you've been dying to...
I'm going to let you in on a secret - I LOVE checklists! Ha! I know, it's no secret! I always have loved a good list, even as a kid. There's something about putting a checkmark next to something or drawing a line through it! That sense of accomplishment is huge!! But, I know for many people a...
It takes a lot to run a successful interior design business. If you don't have everything organized and on point, it can also be completely overwhelming! We talk about "systems and processes" that you should have in place to make things run more smoothly (and to help you make more money!), but...
If you've read my blog for any amount of time, you know how much I LOVE being organized! And I really love any digital tool that keeps me and all of my files organized, too. It's well-known (I almost feel famous writing that!), too, that I use Asana for tasks, Dropbox for files, and Zoom for my...
I've talked many times about how important great communication is with your clients. But... it's too easy to forget that it's EXTREMELY important with your team members, too! That includes contractors, subs, assistants, architects and anyone else working on the project with you. One...
Effective communication is the cornerstone of a successful project. It’s the secret sauce that helps you get a project done on time, on budget, and gives you a finished project that makes your clients happy! While there are a lot of factors that determine a successful project, if you...