Interior Design Business
Tips & Tricks
There is nothing more awkward than finding yourself in the middle of an argument between a client couple! There are so many times when being a designer can feel like you're also a family therapist - and that's no fun. Emotions are often high around a design project, especially because you're dealing...
Chasing your clients for payment is one of the worst things a designer has to do. You've had a great relationship, the project looks amazing, and then it feels like everything fell apart. NOTHING will take the wind out of your sails like having to constantly ask for your money. UGH. It's frustrating...
One of the best ways to be sure your project rolls along smoothly is the work you do with your clients BEFORE you even start! It's important to educate your clients so they understand how everything is going to move forward. That's ESPECIALLY true if they have never worked with a designer before. Bu...
So many people are predicting that this holiday season is going to be one of the best in years. People want to be with their families, to restart holiday party traditions, and to feel festive for the first time in a long time. And as a designer, you know what THAT means. You're about to field a lot ...
We have all - unfortunately - been there. You have a client who is overly demanding, who is REALLY unpleasant to work with, or who may even be disrespectful to you or your staff. You may have even ignored those red flags, because they are ALWAYS there! But now, for your own sanity, you have got to g...
Having a competitive advantage is key, no matter what size market you work in! Standing apart from the crowd is the perfect way to entice new clients, and to give you staying power with former and current clients. So how do you stand out? It's more than just a funky logo or a three-word tag line. Th...
It's an unfortunate part of doing business, but things will go wrong. Mistakes will happen. It's what you do AFTER the mistake happens that's key. A very human reaction is to deflect - but blaming someone else is the wrong thing to do! If you own the business, the buck stops with you whether you act...
There was an interesting study a few years ago that said that "delighted customers are much more likely to be loyal than those who are merely satisfied." DELIGHTED! So how are YOU delighting your clients? That would be anything that goes above and beyond the standard of good customer service. You ca...
Why Organize Your Client?
All the decisions that need to be made when you are doing a new build or a huge remodel is overwhelming to most clients. Now, add trying to remember what was decided and by whom- you are talking major stress! To help my clients overpower overwhelm (like the alliteration...