Interior Design Business


Tips & Tricks
When Did You Last Back Up Your Business? backup business color decor decorating design digital file backup dropbox employees entrepreneur gsuite home house ideas interior design interior designer kathleen dipaolo living outlook pattern return on interiors roi system rooms small business smart smart business space tips trends

If you're like me, you are zooming at 1000mph through your days, just trying to getĀ the hottest itemsĀ done on your list. So to add anything at all to that list seems insane, right?! But if you don't take time to back up your business, EVERYTHING could come to a screeching halt and could take you mon...

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Keep Clients Organized Throughout the Design Process with a Binder business improvements business success client relations client services clients design digital file backup digital files digital organization dropbox interior design organization


Why Organize Your Client?

All the decisions that need to be made when you are doing a new build or a huge remodel is overwhelming to most clients. Now, add trying to remember what was decided and by whom- you are talking major stress! To help my clients overpower overwhelm (like the alliteration...

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Digital File Organization communication digital file backup digital files digital organization interior design office management organization project management return on interiors

Nothing gets me more excited that digital file organization.

You: Is she for REAL?!

Me: YES!!! šŸ˜‚

That feeling when you know you can find anything you wantā€¦So cathartic (and time saving)!

Digital File Organization

So, what is digital file organization? Well, it is organizing all of those files o...

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