Interior Design Business
Tips & Tricks
Well, if we've learned nothing else this year, we've definitely seen that change is inevitable. There's been so much transition and turbulence this year that it's been hard to keep up. If you aren't good with change, that can be incredibly stressful and can disrupt your business to the point where y...
If you became an interior designer because you loved the creative side, you're not alone! 🙋‍♀️ You wanted to design beautiful homes and help fabulous clients - it's really what we all dream about in this business. But once you open your own company, you quickly realize that the creative part of the ...
When someone is looking for an interior designer, even if they've already received referrals, they're going to go straight to your website and your portfolio. As a designer, you have no way to talk to those prospective clients, so all you can do is hope they like what they see. And if they don't? We...
Have you ever heard the saying that when things are out of control that you need to focus on what YOU can control? That really rings true now, doesn't it? AAAA-MEN! There is almost nothing that we can predict with certainty about the future, except that it is uncertain. But, you CAN control how you ...
In the middle of a pandemic and a shutdown, it's definitely hard to stay motivated and keep your mind on your work. In fact, psychologists are warning that we all need to acknowledge and deal with the fear and anxiety we're feeling if we're going to move forward. And that doesn't even address the di...
Just a few months ago, we had everything figured out. We knew so much about our clients and our target consumer and it made our marketing and outreach effective and easier. What a difference today, right? Everything has changed in the face of a pandemic and economic shutdown. Even our reliable clien...
Running your own business is tough, and it's even harder today with a pandemic and economic uncertainty adding to the challenges we normally face. And then there's an even bigger issue that can completely sabotage a business. That is the owner – or in other words, YOU. Without realizing you're doing...
Well, it's official. The US is in a recession. I know that isn't the best economic news, but it also doesn't mean that people don't want to have gorgeous homes. In fact, we're in a strange time where the economy is down, but the home has never been more important to our clients. Now that they've bee...
Being an incredibly creative interior designer can take you a long way, but there are a few more skills you need to really succeed in business. Most of us own our own businesses, and that means a different way of thinking and working. And often it's left-brain skills fighting with your right-brain s...
It takes a lot to run a successful interior design business. If you don't have everything organized and on point, it can also be completely overwhelming! We talk about "systems and processes" that you should have in place to make things run more smoothly (and to help you make more money!), but which...
When we hit times like these - an economic rollercoaster, a pandemic, uncertainty - we want to keep our businesses in the best shape we can. And we want find that "magic bullet" that will help us get and keep clients. But do you know the very best thing you can do? Build relationships. And that mean...
Like almost every business out there, we're having to rip up the goals and financial markers we set for ourselves in January and write new ones. We were so naive at the beginning of the year, weren't we?! But seriously, no one saw this pandemic and shutdown coming, and now we need to rethink our f...